December 23

This Tiny Change Will Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet


Video Transcript - Rough

So I've never made a video like this before. What I've done is I've taken an outrageously clickbait title, a title that promises a lot as you've seen. And now I'm challenging myself to come up with the concept of the video, the content of the video, without any preparation, before I click record on this video.

So the goal here is my adding constraints to me. Potentially I'll come up with a more creative solution than I normally do when I'm coming up with videos. When there are no constraints, it's an experiment that let's see what happens. The title of the video is this tiny change will make 20, 21 your best year yet.

It's interesting because I've added two constraints. I've added a tiny change to the change has to be tiny. It has to be something that people can implement quickly. And the result has to be ginormous, a little thing that can genuinely put at least some people watching this make 20, 21 their best year yet.

It's basically a silver bullet, small thing. Big results, small input, small time taken, small money, invested, whatever large output, large results your life is actually impacted by it. The first thing that comes to my mind, the mind that I, the thing that my mind jumps to for a tiny thing that can have a massive result is learning, learning something that I genuinely think that everyone should do.

I think if you not, if you're, if you close your eyes and you can imagine a world that's better than the world, you're currently see financially relationship wise, health wise, whatever, if you can imagine a world better than the world you're currently in now that shows that you haven't got the wisdom, you haven't understood reality.

You haven't understood truth as well as you need to, to get to where you want to get to. Because when you understand truth, when you have wisdom, it's easy to create the world that you want to. With true wisdom and infinite amount of wisdom, you can touch a butterfly and the ripple effect because you know exactly.

If you touch the butterfly in this specific way, it's going to fly and that's going to cause this to happen. And that's a happen. And just by touching a butterfly in a specific way, you can get whatever you want. It's basically to show when you have true wisdom, no matter what you do, you can exert a minimum amount of effort and have very asymmetric amount of results.

But the problem I have with learning. Is learning. Isn't a silver bullet learning takes time. So that wouldn't work for the title, but then potentially the silver bullet that gets you into the habit of learning is curiosity. So, because when you're curious, you want to learn, it's effortless for you to learn because you want to do you get me, you're not forcing yourself to do something you don't want to do.

If you force yourself to do things you don't want to do and may work for a short period of time, but it's not going to work in the long run. This is what we cover in the procrastination program. But by becoming curious about learning and, or potentially only learning things you're curious about that could be a tiny change that could lead to massive results potentially.

So the time thing there would be curiosity. Now I was expecting this video to go on for a very long period of time, but I can't see a problem with curiosity at works. That is so what's the tiny hack because curiosity is not an action step. So. The tiny change for you to make is to open yourself up to curiosity.

I'm not sure if that's right, but bear with me. One of the things that I do is I've got a curiosity playground. It's basically just a reading list, but I call it a curiosity playground to remind me that when I'm learning to have fun, Because when you have fun, you're drawn to do the thing and you do it as you, the problem isn't doing it, the problem is doing too much of it when you're really having fun.

Just think about playing video games for most people think about watching movies, but people who really enjoy movies, it's not difficult to do it because you enjoy it. So when we're able to make the things that we need to do on a day-to-day basis, fun and enjoyable and something we're excited to do.

Then you can continuously do it and it's easy. It's not difficult and you can keep doing it in the long run. You won't do it and stop doing it. That's interesting. If I just come up with what I believe is the tiny change that will make 20, 21. Great. I mean, it's definitely something for you to do, and it's definitely a tiny change that could make 20, but here's the thing it's small enough to have a curiosity list, but I don't know if the results are big enough.

But they probably are big enough if it gets people in the habit of learning because learning's everything. So here's the thing. It's a answer. I'm not sure if it's the best answer. Let me see if I can come up with something better. Well, one tiny change is to recognize that tiny changes. Aren't the things that you need to be doing in order to get massive results.

So many people are looking for these life hacks or productivity hacks, or productivity techniques, these tiny things. I mean, that's why I know this title's going to do well. It's because it's what appeals to the human race, but it's not an appeal to the human race that leads to great things. Or it actually could be, let me explain both perspectives initially.

I was thinking. But life hacks often have such a tiny output. There's this small input. It doesn't take much to enter to do them, but the output's normally pretty small. It's a cool hack that yes, benefits your life a little bit. That's why it feels like you're being productive, but never benefit your life in any real significant way.

So the tiny hack could be to stop worrying about tiny hacks and to just think it's so simple, what do I want? And what is the one or two activities that I need to do on a day-to-day basis to get what I want? Normally it's very simple. Normally there's not 20 or 30 different activities is there's one or two.

If you're a writer, then it's writing. If you're an artist, then it's painting. If you're a business person, then first of all, go out and speak with your target audience, understand their problems, then try and solve their problems. Like that's the thing you should be doing. If you don't have the business, there's normally one thing that everybody should be doing.

And now I was saying, initially, I thought that tiny changes, we should shift away from that, but there's a counter-argument to that. And it's something that I've realized recently. So a lot of times in society, we. Glorify hard work. We say, Oh, that's a hard working person. Then that's a positive trait. And this leads to us only wanting to do things.

If they're hard, we, we have the tendency to believe that life should be hard. It's difficult to get what you want. It's difficult to reach your goals. But if you have that perspective, it always will be difficult to reach your goals. And sometimes it's actually very easy to reach your goals. If you have the right wisdom, if you're doing the right thing in the right way, it's very easy to get whatever it is that you want.

It's just that most of us spend our time doing the wrong things in the right way, or even the wrong things in the wrong way. And if that's the case, it's so difficult to get to where you want to. And if everything feels difficult for you, if it's difficult for you to scale your business, if it's difficult for you to start habits, then instead of forcing it, instead of continually trying to scale the business or grow the YouTube channel instead, take a step back and change the higher level decisions that you're operating from.

And that will make it easy to grow the YouTube channel, to build the business, whatever there is a reality where a video you put out. Does incredibly well with the YouTube algorithm or the product that you create on the planet sells itself. There is a reality where that happens. So instead of keep doing what you're doing, if it feels difficult, then it shows that there's higher level decisions you need to make in order to get it to the point where it's easy for you to grow easy for you to grow the business.

This was something that it was a massive personal breakthrough for me recently on this YouTube channel, it's been difficult to grow. There's been times that I've done things that I wouldn't do going back to get views, the videos that stand out with sensory deprivation tank. And Pavlok where I wore the thing around my collar.

Probably the way I want to take this YouTube channel. And again, this is all subject to change. I'm a human. And just because this is a breakthrough I've had now, doesn't mean I'll go back. Doesn't mean I won't go back to it or have another breakthrough that leads me to something else. But. I was doing all of these things and it felt difficult to grow.

Instead if I take a high level decision back, I think the way that it's easy for me to grow is to double down on valuable ideas, which was the original concept of this channel. If I can just give you more actual value, I hate the word value because everyone uses it and people use it in the wrong way. If I can help you go from a to B.

If I can help you go from where you are now to where you want to get to. And the things I say actually work. If that's what I put my, my importance on not making the video look good, not making the video have beautiful B roll. Although the B roll is needed to engage people not focused on. Getting views and doing things that I know will get views of.

I can double down on thought leadership and incredible ideas that actually work, which I don't know if anyone else is doing on YouTube. I don't know if anybody else is focused primarily on that. Although there are some good YouTube channels. I don't know if that's anyone's primary focus, but if I can do that, then in the long run, it's going to be easy for me to grow this channel.

Because just like in business, if you have the best product it wins, the camera I'm filming on now is the best camera that I could buy. The phone that I'm using is the best phone that I can use. The laptop is the best laptop. When you buy socks, you buy the best socks that you can. If you can just create a product that solves the problem better than anyone else you will win.

And if I do that on this YouTube channel, by solving your problems better than anyone else can, I will win. That's the longterm strategy. So on using that. And again, this is an interesting video is a complete free form talk. I guess it's similar to a podcast, but I'm challenging myself on trying to think on the video.

If I bring back to the point that I was saying, there's two arguments, tiny things you should be doing, what tiny things you shouldn't be doing because. Tiny things could be life hacks, but then again, tiny things could be a reflection that you're doing easy things, which is a good thing. As I've explained that, doing hard things, isn't always doing good things.

So I prefer the curiosity hack to that one. I think most people and I'm on the curiosity topic. Now, most people use their time in a very weird way. They use their time with. Short term intent in mind reached a very specific income goal or two to do something very short term. It's normally one month outwards, two months out, but in the long run, the best thing for you to do is follow your curiosity.

This is for a couple reasons. First of all, when you follow your curiosity in everything you do, as much as possible in your business, in your reading, in your reading list, in your research, whatever. If you can follow your curiosity, first of all, you want to do the thing like I was saying before, but also because of supply and demand.

So supply them, that's a universal concept taken from economics that you can apply to literally every single area of your life. And one of the places you can apply it to is creating a business or gaining knowledge. You want the demand for that knowledge to be high. So when you go and you get a degree for those of you that are getting a degree, Make sure that the degree you're getting is a degree that jobs or co or firms actually care about.

Make sure that that's the case because a lot of degrees they don't care about, and it's just not valuable. It's not in demand, which is the demand side of the supply and demand graph. So make sure that your ideas are valuable, make sure that they have real world application. Make sure that people are actually going to benefit from the thing that you're learning, whether that's in a degree or informal education, and also it makes all the suppliers low.

So again, applying this to college, don't get a degree literally, or don't get a specific degree of literally everybody else has that because you're now not separated from them. So it's going to be a difficult battle to pick between you or them instead find knowledge that is low in supply and higher demand.

That's when you can get crazy, crazy, crazy value. And your time is very leveraged where a little bit amount of your time has a massive, massive, massive results. It's by getting knowledge that's high and low in supply and high in demand. Excuse the stuttering. So the way you get that is by following your curiosity, because when you follow your curiosity, you're going to be taken to places that most other people don't go because your curiosity is different to everyone else's.

So by following your curiosity, And not just doing what other people are doing, not buying bestselling books, just reading books you are interested in, then you are going to get knowledge. That's very, very low in supply, which makes it incredibly valuable. So, yeah, I mean, I thought this video was going to be super long of me where not that bunch of different ideas, but I'm fairly confident that a tiny shift that you can make, that's going to make 2021 your best year was to double or triple or quadruple or 10 X down on CRE on curiosity.

Whenever you're curious about something, find a way to let yourself do it. Just let yourself be like a child plan. And it's interesting. The more curious you get, the more cute, the more things that you get curious of. So my curiosity playground, as I write things on hat, the more I read, the more I learn, the more, more gets added to the curiosity playground.

So I'm never taking it off as a, to do list cause that book's going to spark 10 new books that I want to read. It's just a beautiful poignant reminder. That we know nothing. And the more we know, the more we realize how much we don't know. And the more I learn, the more I realize how much there is to learn as paradoxical as that sounds.

You'd think the more you learn, the more, you know, but it's the complete opposite. So yeah, double or triple down on curiosity. And I think that will benefit you. If you enjoy this kind of video, then leave a comment. Um, I'd appreciate the feedback and subscribe. If you're new.

If you procrastinate, I want to speak with you.