December 17

Callum’s Experience With The Program


Video Transcript - Rough

Hey, Callum, how are you? How are you going, Andrew? I'm doing very well. So what I want to start with is it's now been around three months since you started the program. So I want to start by going back to then, and just wondering about what your life was like, you know, back three months ago. Yeah. So, um, before the program, really, I.

Like procrastination, which is a massive part of my life. It was so obstructive to almost everything I was wanting to do. And it stopped me from doing the things I wanted to do in a way that caused me such grief and anxiety, that it was crippling me in ways that you didn't think that just being lazy, could.

And, um, like I've said in the past, you'd actually contributed quite significantly to an episode of depression I had about a year ago. And this is, this is, this is a characteristic of behavior, that sort of thing going on quite a lot throughout my whole life, especially my teenage years. And, uh, I just go to the point where I was just so sick of, of, you know, feeling under so much pressure and stress all the time and still not getting anywhere.

That I just thought like enough was enough. And I worked really hard over the last year to try and change my life around. And then, then I found your channel and then I found the program as well. And I felt like starting that and jumping on that was really the biggest catalyst team changing everything to me.

Yeah. So do you have any specific examples of what would happen with the procrastination? So it would, it was always, it was always good intentions. It was always the best of intentions. It was me having the grandness of ideas of knowing what I would do. If I, you know, for example, I would have, uh, like I don't want to do, when I go, I'm going to write an essay or like this, this and this.

Like, I just gotta be like the best essay ever. And then I just would. I started like, uh, like I would do it. It'd be, I'd try doing like looping out and do like a tiny little bit and it just stopped there. And then it got to the point where I fell so far behind on that goal, that the back, the, the end goal, where I saw that magnificent essay, which is so far from the future, that it was just felt completely unattainable and unachievable and.

I would just give up in a way and then sort of just let it slide until it got me into like a massive amount of trouble where I really show under so much pressure because of it. Um, that I couldn't really escape it anymore. Well, I just leave it like I had to front up to it and it was just. It was just a feeling that I was a secret having, just knowing that he's gotten to the point where I just can't leave it anymore.

But despite that, I can't just can't get myself to do what I want to do. And that was writing essays that was going to the gym. That was, um, any, anything really wanted to do, you know, hanging out with friends sometimes. It's like that, like, I'm not usually like that, but you know, sometimes you just want to break now.

Oh, I'll do that later. And then six months ago by all of a sudden, and it's just, it was almost, it was affecting every aspect of my life and academically, especially. But, um, yeah, I was just, I was just secrets. I was just secret being under that pressure all the time and knowing that I w. Have the best intention to do something.

And in a way I would have this sort of vague plan in my head, but despite me knowing, or like what I want to do and me really wanting to do it, just knowing deep down that I never actually really get it done. And that was just so frustrating. Yeah. Yeah. I remember going back to, to, when I used to have a serious problem, it was always.

Doing everything I could to try and promise myself that this was going to be the time where it would all do well, and then it would crash down. And again, and again, and again, I dunno if I have to show it to you, but, um, one of the things I tried before I tried to program was you do work by the way. I just, I have these whiteboard.

I've never seen this. Um, and he, you notice it's like a little. No. There's like those charity maidens where you Mark off, like progress. It's like a little pro uh, um, of 12 weeks. Cause I read somewhere, maybe it was from you actually that it was like 12 weeks to format it. Okay. And I would put like little rewards along the way.

Um, To try and like motivate me. Uh, this is the, one of the things I was trying to do that was different. And so in a way, or I'll do that subconsciously as well before I would, you know, try and reward myself in different ways. Like, okay. If I just do like an hour of study out, you know, spending six hours on YouTube, which is usually I'm usually the guy and it didn't really work, it didn't really work.

Um, And I still don't know why, but that's what I was doing. I sort of had this bargaining aspect about it and it was kind of, it was kind of cheap in a way, like, um, cause I didn't really respect. It was kind of like, it's kind of like doing business with someone that, you know, as like an unreliable credit school, you know, it's like, you know, if I walk into a bank having defaulted on like a thousand loans and it just went, like I promise you I'll pay back.

Yeah. Like, you're just, the bank would just be like, Oh, whatever. I just, and that's what it kind of felt like. And, um, it, it sucked because I couldn't even trust what I was saying. And you know, it's not, it's not really nice to, to know that how you feel is really lacking to really adamant about something.

Like, I really want to do this and then like in the back of your head, just because it is. Of experiences like your own self, where you just got a lot. I don't know if you do. And it just, it felt like I couldn't even trust like the one person in the world that you should trust. And it felt like I was unreliable as a person and reliable would be something I take very seriously.

Um, and the fact that I couldn't even rely on for myself, it was just, it's just a Testament to like how. How bad it had gotten. Yeah. And do you remember any advice that people would have given you back then? Advice that didn't work? Um, people always told me, um, my, like my dad always said to me, like, look, if you're gonna get yourself into one of these crap situations, just to just piss off early, um, because like people will help you get through it and.

Um, that's sort of helped to in white, but in the same way, um, you didn't really want to share your goals as much. Um, because is like, I felt, for example, it was like, Oh, I forgot to say this. Say June in three weeks or something. And like, you know, there's pressure on you to do that. I didn't want that pressure on me.

So I would just would avoid telling people. And if I did, I'm sure there would've been some sort of external pressure on me that would have that compounded and forced, forced me to write. But, um, yeah, I just didn't want that pressure. Um, there was another one was, um, I guess the, the comparison would be the clarity one where you sort of plan out the me, um, steps step by step.

So you sort of start at hand and then you write down how long you need for each task. Um, my mom, that was from my mom, um, back in really open, honest, and, um, I never really got around to actually doing that planning and I couldn't figure out why. Um, it's funny enough because both of them, which dried pieces of advice and you use in your program, in the planning and the, um, in the accountability aspect, but then on their own wasn't enough because he was sort of just dealing with the symptoms of it.

And actually removing the cause. Got, got the program differently. Yeah. Yeah. I completely agree. We either get given piece of individual advice, which is okay, but it's either difficult to apply it or you see it in isolation and don't see how it fits into the full system. Yeah. I, I, when I texted back, you realized actually that was, that's actually a really effective technique.

But he was just missing like just one aspect and not want to two was removing that, that addiction. I had these doing anything else, anything. And, um, it seems so obvious when like now that like I get to that situation, but at the time it was just like, what am I doing? Like I would spend. I've got to do it this way.

Go if something starts this way and then it will look, so that'd be Friday. I'm like, what am I doing with my life? So, yeah, it was really frustrating to have those little bits of Mr. Chin hanging over me, but not knowing how to access them. And, you know, once you remove that, once you sort of, yeah, it's not kind of like a heading like a ladder to reach.

To reach those, those techniques. And that's, that's what I was missing was that, like that step, that one step I needed to implement them. And once I did, I just found it was just so much better, so much better. Yeah. Perfect. And do you remember how you first heard about the program? Uh, yeah. It was on your YouTube channel.

Um, so. What happened was, is last year I was in hospital. Um, uh, from that episode of depression and coming out of hospital, I was, um, and took like on my life around. And one of the, I came across your channel. Um, it was in the, originally it was originally the stoicism aspect of it. And you had the clarity of mind, the being present to remove a lot of the.

A lot of the self-reflective thoughts of not trusting myself. Um, and then after watching your channel for months, uh, I think it must've made a video where you just said, Oh, by the way, I'm impressing procrastination videos opening up. And I was just obsessed with self-improvement. Um, I I'd done other courses in various other topics.

And when I solely did some like, Oh, I'll, I'll give this a go. You know, this is, this is something that, you know, really, really helped me, um, getting back into uni. Um, I could see, I could see it really paying off being like a real investment that we're tying itself in Spanx. And I just thought. Margaret, why not?

I just sort of signed up quite, um, quite on a whim. And I'm so glad I did, like, it was just so random. Um, yeah, I still don't really know, like it's not something I went looking for, which was the weirdest thing. I think I've told you this before with like, it's not something I went looking for. It it's just sort of found me and I don't know where I'd be.

If, if it didn't, you know, God. Bless the YouTube algorithm, I guess. Right. You're the first person, you're the first person that's not complaining about the YouTube algorithm and he's actually thinking it for what he does. He's brilliant. Yeah. So, um, yeah, I think, yeah, I'd say what you videos in the past, um, and sort of ignored it and then, uh, I think it was.

When you release that 28 days of moccasin releases, um, morning routine or whatever morning and night routine. Um, I really started paying attention and I was full the guys. Um, I backtrack that and I just started watching regularly ever since. Um, and then from that point on, it was just like, I was like addicted to your channel because it was because it felt like, um, No, just sort of speaking my language in a way.

It was just, um, felt good to have someone who I just related to so much because you know, you've been there, you've been there and I could sort of tell that, and you were on that, like that desperate J just to, just to turn your life around and, and make the most of every second that you have. And. And I just sort of respected that.

And then, yeah, just out of nowhere, I saw that you did this program. I felt well, I like what he does so fast, so see how it goes. And it was awesome. It was, it was honestly the best investment of my life because I can just see it returning itself a million times over. It was just unbelievable. How, how, um, How Oculus it was.

Yeah. Yeah, I do. I didn't really go looking for it. I was, it was just, um, it just sort of crept up on me yet. I don't know how it is. How many to be honest. Okay. And going to week two, do you remember which of the root causes were your root causes? I think it was like all of them. It was like all one. It was.

I've got my little notebook. She knew

I wrote it down, brought up or, uh, which ones apply, which ones apply to me. And I wrote down severity. So number one is instant gratification. Addiction. Number two was distraction. Number three, with a lack of clarity. And before was urgency. Number five was fear of outcome. And number six was sorry, number five is perfectionism number six or two of outcome.

And they all they've all effected me in one way or another the past. Um, like I wouldn't start something because I knew it wouldn't be perfect. Um, or, you know, I wouldn't go to the gym cause that'd be fear that like, Oh, No, he's a skinny kid. You can't lie to me much. Um, so like, I suppose to sort of like the instant gratification that was Dheilly and crippling and the distraction was Susan myself down and just nothing, I would see it, like, I'd go off and get an app or like have a shower and have like three showers a day or something just to like, cause like if I'm getting distracted while I'm study.

Um, so yeah, that all affected me quite a lot. Um, And just through the program, I just removed those equate to was brilliant. It was, it was sort of like the was sort of like the marquee way to fill programs because just removing them was 95 because I already knew, I already knew what to do if I could just get that step.

But this was, this was the step that I needed. Um, so yeah, I think I looked over, went Tuesday. It's like a hundred times, so yeah, but it was definitely instant gratification. Distraction, lack of clarity, lack of it. I can see it in my perfectionism fear of outcome. Yeah. Uh, it's crazy to think how addicted I was to you to now think about it.

Um, yeah, I think I would spend like easily, like four hours a day or something on it. Um, You're a game. I wasn't really a game. Uh, um, because I knew the dangers to that before I got addicted to it. But, um, yeah, YouTube, um, doing anything else, sport, like I love watching sport. I'd watch every sport under the sun.

I would watch baseball all season or I'd watch, um, like, yeah, football. I watched like the APO and watch rugby her and lie. I was watching that so much that I would never do anything. Um, yeah. So instant gratification was one that was crippling in a way, because it meant that I just didn't because I was the one that was taking everything away from me in a way.

Yeah. So I didn't have conditions and she. Okay. So your video is just frozen. I don't know if that was anything you did or whether it's the connection or something. I did take an exchange. So, um, so I guess we should end the cool and I'll call you back in a second. Oh, wait, wait. You're back. You're back.

You're back. Sorry. Okay, so what was it like? No, no, no, no, no, that would be completely fine. I'll either just leave them in because it's raw or I'll just do a little cut in the middle of the video, but yeah. What was it like as you were going through the program? Um,

it was kind of like, uh, it was kind of like getting these, these, uh, menu on. One, how to like fix your life.

And cause I was doing uni concurrently with the program. Yeah. The way it was set up, it felt like a, it just felt like a class. It felt like I was so, because only I was so familiar with, I remember going through it, like it was. I think I've told you this as well. It was, it was content that had to be learned rather than like, um, yeah, I don't know.

It felt like I was learning the content and learning the content and practicing the content. Just like I was practicing like my accounting or finance or whatever. Um, it, I felt like it was still focused skill and just like why I never succeeded at basketball or something. Um, I hadn't succeeded at procrastination because I don't play a lot of basketball.

And also I don't, um, I don't practice. This is time management skill as much. And I felt like if I had learned to and give this metal learning and then practice it, it would just, I would improve. And I found that as I went through, I improved out of sight. It was incredible at how quickly I turned it around.

Um, cause status and misses always worked for me. Ours is waiting for our when's it going to drop off? We usually drops it off like the third week or something. And, um, it just didn't, he just didn't. Um, as the week stepping down into the procrastination program, I, I. Working harder, the brain spoke for themselves.

Um, yeah, it's going to notice. I just, um, I just remember writing and feeling like, I, I just felt like for the first time in my life, I not only knew that I had the skills to do what I wanted to do, but it also felt like I finally had disciplined in application. Um, I think I've told you in the past that like, Back when I was terrible with procrastination, I was like, babe, like I just wish I had discipline.

And, um, it wasn't discipline that I needed. It was, um, I know. What would you say the opposite of procrastination is? It would, it was effective use of my time. Um, And when I finally got it the first time, it felt like I finally got it. And when I finally got it, I just chose my little Libra righted, black. I just taken these, these chains off me, where I was just finally free from my hellhole that I put myself in because of being lazy.

Um, yeah. And it just gave him so much optimism, drove into the program, knowing that I could do whatever I wanted, because finally. It felt like art really wanted it because I could trust myself when I said I want to do this, which wasn't the case before. Yeah. And what about your accountability partner? Uh, yeah, that felt, um, that was great.

Especially in the early stages of the program. Um, he was definitely the most active one of the, uh, of the group, um, uh, Yeah. And eats goes back to that advice that my dad gave me. It puts this external, external pressure on you. And as much as you can motivate yourself to do something, sometimes you just need a bit of shame and guilt to press you and to.

Into doing it. And Mattel was great because I would message him and I'd be like, Hey man, I heard you, what you actually want to read a lot this week. You want to want to meditate? You're starting, you're starting classes. And, um, I know telling me, Oh yeah, I didn't do as much as I could. Um, but I did this, this and this and this and this.

And I'll be like, wow, I really did to out my bed. And it was kind of like, it was kind of like competitive. My friendly black and paid leave, like, like, Oh, well, yeah, you'll do it a little soon, but like, I'm doing better. Like, and it was sorta like we would push each other and especially in the early stocks, propel parts of the program where we, um, where I was really, really worried.

And I think I mentioned most people would be worried, especially before they started the program. You just be really worried that that would just slip back. Um, now I was seriously, why is that? Like, this is just going to be like everything else in my life where like, it starts off food stocks or find stocks off with all the right motivations and intentions.

Body's just going to slip back and the motive and the accountability partner motivated me through that. And, um, as well as the program itself, which which really helped in, in not only. You know, helping you through me through other things, but it also helped me through the program as well. Um, Yeah, you just, it felt like through the rockiest stages of the program, it was like the training.

It was that I sort of needed just to sort of take balance and yeah, it was really good to have him, especially a world accountability partners. I think when I, when I need to be you're like, I know just the guy and yeah, you were right. Yeah. Just the guy. Um, So, yeah, it was really cool to have you, um, I don't know if I had the same profound effect on, you know, mate, but, uh, yeah, it was just good to have that, that, that kind of like, kind of like, you know, like a brotherly sense just to like, you know, trying to flex your muscles on.

Yeah, doing, I'm doing, you're doing good. I'm doing good. So, yeah. Um, it was really cool to have that actually cause it made it fun and made it interesting and made it made a personal, you made it, you kind shamed you in a way to, to get your act together. And that's what I really liked. So I was really, really happy about that.

That part of the program. Yeah. Okay. And what singular concept from the program do you think has been the most impactful? To put you under pressure. Yeah. That's what these packing out division goals. Um, you know, the vision goal was a year ago, see, uh, quarterly goals, daily, weekly, monthly goals, yet that that's a close second, so much would say, um, we too.

Definitely awesome. But I'd have to say the Keystone, the Keystone ones, um, uh, playing tomorrow, today, and, um, well, mostly plannings more today and, and, um, rating reading the manifesto of life, I guess that comes down to the vision and goals sort of aspect as well. Um, yeah, the tapping goals, reverse engineering, your goals, and, um, and having the plan, if it's something that.

If I don't do when I'm at my worst, like, I'm sorry, I still slip back into it. I still teach. I have off days. I can't, I can't be doing this too much. I'll be burning myself out. But, um, yeah, like the calendar on my phone. Um, yeah, planning, planning and putting stuff into that. So the planning. Oh tomorrow, today, which is what you say is the Keystone or something like the first thing we covered in the program, looking back on it.

Um, it's, it's the, it's the test of, um, whether I will have a productive day or not. Um, even like sometimes some days I wake up and because I work late, if I forget to either get to plan, actually I forgot to plan tomorrow. Um, uh, I forget to plan the next day. And I've got, I like, uh, sky's not going to be a good day because it was planned.

So I'd get up and a planet. And then all of a sudden it was a good day. Um, and then the ones that I don't get around to planning were the ones who are like, Oh, I didn't do that much today. It took me like an hour to get, to get started studying, but it was all right once to start studying. But like, yeah, that's, that's the, that's the key test of whether today will be a good day.

And, um, we had had these things, a loss. In the last one last module where we just went through that, the procrastination doctor or something. Oh yeah. I forget what it was. Yeah. The first one was like, question one was like, um, Oh, you're visiting the doctor. That's right. Um, yeah. Are you doing your, uh, Keystone habits?

Number seven? Yeah, that was I recognizing the opposite. End of the time, if I'm not doing them, that's the reason why like I'm from having an unproductive day it's because like I'm not doing that. And I find if I am doing that run, just chilling it. So definitely definitely Keystone habits is probably the, the gym out of.

Jen's the challenge gems. Yeah. Um, but I honestly could say so much. It's, it's something I reflect on because, um, you know, it's like learning any skill there there's, you know, important bits, but it all matters. There's definitely like an 80 20 rule. I think in this one, like 20% of the program is just the vision and the, um, Keystone habits.

Yeah, it's probably then yeah. The case that habits, um, 20% of what we cover, but I reckon it's definitely 80% of the results. Um, but there's just so much in here that I could, that just helps me. And it's helped friends as well. Like I've showed, I've been talking to other friends who've been struggling as well.

And I said like very lucky for the best advice ever. I'm like, Oh yeah, it's true. My bus. Um, but, uh, yeah, this is Cemati here that you can just learn more from. And I think. Once I get the case on habits down packed and I think, Oh, how, how else do I vote again? Like, how do I vote again? Um, I would just be finding stuff you need.

I'll just be like, Oh, this is, this is really, so yeah, there's this so much you need that. That really could, I could really say it, but definitely, definitely case and habits. Okay. Okay. And you mentioned earlier that you didn't know what your future would look like if you hadn't heard about the program.

How do you feel about the future now? Uh, um, I always had these arrogant, arrogant perception of myself, um, where I would buy me that I could like do anything. Um, like anything I wanted to do two crews. I felt like I had all the skills necessary, but lack of discipline. And of course a lack of discipline, I felt like I couldn't do anything I want, but there'd just be this little voice in the back of my head.

That would be like, well, no, not really. And I'd be like, Oh yeah, you're right. But now I think. I can do anything I want. And then that voice in the back of my head still there, but now it's saying like, yeah, and this is how we're going to do it. And I just, and it's just, it's so empowering and it feels so fantastic to have that internal support for once in my life where I trust what I say.

And like, I know that if I say something, I mainly, because I don't make promises anymore, that I don't mean to keep. And I'm not saying means like I'm promising myself less. I'm still promising myself a lot, but I'm promising myself less than what I did in the past. Um, but for now I'm achieving so much more.

And although I am promising myself less, I'm sticking to all of it, rather than normally seeing myself everything is taken to none of it. And it's, it's liberating to know that once I just feel like I can take myself seriously. And, um, I D yeah, like my future just, it could be anything now. It really could be anything it's just.

A matter of choosing what I want to do. And that's, that's so exciting. That is so exciting. I'm sure you felt it as well. Like you just like, why don't you sort of yourself out and you can just like, what do I do? Because you know, This is before me, like you are uni studying uni. You probably thought like I could go to like the very top of professional three.

If I wanted to, I could, I could explore this YouTube channel and, um, yeah, it probably would've been a tough decision and I think I've got those tough decisions lying ahead of me in the future, because I finally feel free enough from the crap that I put myself through in the past. That you would actually support me to, to, to achieve all those things.

Yeah. Does it kind of feel like before your brain was working against you and now it's working for you? Um, yeah, it does. It felt, it felt like, um, I imagine it kind of like a, it's like having these partner, you know, it's. Having these know it's like having a gym buddy. It's it used to be like this fat lazy, Y I mean that used to, I don't want to go to the gym today at all.

I don't want to, I don't want to, I don't want to do it in too tired. Can we just do this instead? Um, but now it's like, it's like the one that's like. Waking you up ready to go? It's it's someone, it's the Brian that like, my brain is like, come on, let's do this. We can do this. Like, we're doing it now because we said, sir, and this is how we're going to do it.

And that applies to everything. And it just feels like I've got, I don't know. It's kind of like he called these two brains, one less, like your conscious and one's your subconscious. And it was like, they're on the same page. And if my conscious brain is like, uh, I didn't feel like it today in the past where my subconscious Brian would have been like, yeah, I agree.

Let's do these. My subconscious brain is like, well, what are we going to do instead? It's you know, this is it. This is what we're doing. And it's kind of like, It's where I default. Now I default into what I want to do rather than what I would do on autopilot, which is a concept you've spoken about a lot is the audit pilot and having.

That autopilot in the right direction is really helpful. Really helpful. So, yeah, it is kind of like my brain's working with me now. I'm working for me, um, then against me. Yeah. Do you think that autopilot would have stopped you from recording this video at 1:30 AM in the morning before. Oh, absolutely. I would have been like, I would've just messaged you on Facebook and it's been like, yeah, just con today, um, to get too high, it's like one 30, give me a break, but, um, yeah, absolutely like a workup.

Yeah. I was just like, Oh man, this sucks. It's really sucks. Uh, but. I, there wasn't even a church to go back to sleep where in the past, I know like if I had to get up for anything, it was a struggle. Like not because I want to do it. It's just because my brain was so addicted to the innocent gratification of, of dopamine.

And now that, or it wouldn't want it to do with sleep and because absolutely. Done this ketosis in a way of dopamine in my brain. It's now striding off, you know, feet off the, the longer, um, the longer timeframe dopamine. And it means that I make a load of good decisions now, which I'm really happy with. Um, and I'm not such a lazy.

Well, I maybe be hard on myself thought, you know, I'm not such, I'm not such a, such a, you know, an app store. I was not such a lazy slob, you know, it's just, it's good. It's good to feel like if it was good, it was good to be active and, um, productive and where, like, I don't feel like a kid anymore. Yeah. So personally it's been great.

I remember a few months ago when we had our first call and there's nothing more fulfilling for me to speak to you then, and then speak to you now. So I wanted to say thank you to you for those words in that interview. That that's always nice for me to hear, and it's definitely encouragement for me to keep going.

But the final question would be, if you had to say one piece of advice, To someone who is in your situation a few months ago, what would you say to them? Um,

you've been coasting off about doing your program and not looking at anybody, like do it. Um, but if assuming that your program didn't exist, um, I've probably chosen. No, what you weren't think about what you really, really want find out how to get them and then draw up the plan of how you're going to get there.

Um, yeah, I'd probably be, I'd say yeah. No, what you want to know, what you really, really want to figure out how you get there and then drop the plan in the schedule, not the other thing. So don't drop the plan, drew the schedule on how you get there and then stick to it. Um, but also include breaks because they're less.

Yeah. Okay. Perfect. Thank you so much will out. And the, and the Q and a call there seriously though. That that was so nice. The, uh, it feels like you're a different person now, genuinely speaking with you, it's like I'm speaking with a different person. I feel like a different person. I feel like a different person.

Um, I think I've ever evolved. No, like, uh, like I feel like, uh, a Pokemon, you know, I was like, I was like, uh, almost like a little boat was so, and then now, now obviously I think, I think I know I'm 50, 50% of the way there. I've still got still at a level up. I still got it. I am leveling up, but I'm really excited to see, see what the next evolution stage shows out like, um, I know you're doing the relentless pursuit, you know, and you were doing that for a couple months.

I'm going to be talking about the Kobe Bryant thing a couple months ago. Um, yeah, I'm not quite there yet. I, you know, I don't want to bend myself out, but, um, differently maybe next year or something. And I had a couple of months, all I could be now looking to try that relentless pursuit, but, uh, yeah, it's really, it's really exciting to see how much I've improved personally.

Since I've gone to my personal development and then shock in such a short amount of time. Um, and then I think, you know, well, if that's what I can do in six months, six months, eight months, um, yeah, eight months, if I can do that will in eight months, how well can I do in a year, five years is like in five years, I will still be considered CPC for young.

Um, and I'm just wondering the person I'll be then. And I think, I think, um, I think I'll be out of nowhere. I'll be, I'll be a better person than I am now. Hopefully. And that's definitely going in the right direction. Yeah. Perfect. Okay. Is there anything you want to talk about or any questions you have for me or should we just end it there?

Uh, no, that's, that's pretty much it. Yeah. Would you mind mind if we included that final conversation in the actual video that, that, that Pokemon reference is too good to cut out? Yeah.

If you procrastinate, I want to speak with you.